It’s Finally Here!

The very long and over due arrival of my new website is finally here!

I originally made a website when I first started my business and spent hours upon hours working on it.  I’ve known for the past two years that I needed something different, something that actually reflected my business and what I do.  I decided to use a company called ProPhoto and it really couldn’t have been an easier process.  I love how simple it is, that I can easily customize it and the fact that I can change things whenever I’d like!  Not to mention the fact that I can blog and let you guys know what I’m up to!  Definitely stay tuned as I’ll be posting more about this year’s plans and all the beautiful people in front of my camera!

So without further ado here it is!!!! 



and here’s a photo to warmer and sunnier days!!



  • Diana Lichioveri - Where are you located? Your website is lovely. Good luckReplyCancel

    • - Thank you so much Diana! I am located south of Rochester NY.ReplyCancel

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